spelling correction and spell checking is a well-known and well-studied problem in natural language processing. In this article, you will learn about a very basic machine learning project on spelling correction with Python programming language.

Introduction to Spelling Correction with Python
Correcting spelling mistakes is an integral part of writing in the modern world, whether it is part of texting a phone, sending an email, writing large documents or searching for information on the web.

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Modern spelling correctors aren’t perfect (indeed, automatic error correction is a popular source of fun on the web), but they’re ubiquitous in just about all software that relies on keyboard input.

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Spelling correction is often viewed from two angles. Non-word spell check is the detection and correction of spelling mistakes that result in non-words. In contrast, real word spell checking involves detecting and correcting misspellings even if they accidentally result in a real English word (real word errors).

This can come from typographical errors of real-word errors (insertion, deletion, transposition) that accidentally produce a real word, or from cognitive errors where the writer substituted the wrong one.

Spelling Correction with Python

Now in this section, I will take you through how to create a program for the task of Spelling correction with Python programming language:

from textblob import TextBlob
words = ["Data Scence", "Mahine Learnin"]
corrected_words = []
for i in words:
print("Wrong words :", words)
print("Corrected Words are :")
for i in corrected_words:
    print(i.correct(), end=" ")

Wrong words : ['Data Scence', 'Mahine Learnin']
Corrected Words are :
Data Science Machine Learning

NOTE – In order to run the project of Python, you have to download Python IDLE or Pycharam. In the video I have explained how to download and install it.

Download and Install Python

Download and install Pycharm


Additional Reading


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Thank you 🙂 Keep Learning !