How to Reverse String in Java – Technic Dude
public class StringReverseExample {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String word = "HelloWorld";
String reverse = new StringBuffer(word).reverse().toString();
System.out.printf(" original String : %s ,
reversed String %s %n", word, reverse);
word = "WakeUp";
reverse = new StringBuilder(word).reverse().toString();
System.out.printf(" original String : %s ,
reversed String %s %n", word, reverse);
// one way to reverse String without using
// StringBuffer or StringBuilder is writing
// own utility method
word = "Band";
reverse = reverse(word);
System.out.printf(" original String : %s ,
reversed String %s %n",
word, reverse);
public static String reverse(String source){
if(source == null || source.isEmpty()){
return source;
String reverse = "";
for(int i = source.length() -1; i>=0; i--){
reverse = reverse + source.charAt(i);
return reverse;
original String: HelloWorld, reversed String dlroWolleH
original String: WakeUp, reversed String pUekaW
original String: Band, reversed String dnaB