The 10 Best Personal Finance Apps – The list of personal finance apps and figures mentioned below have been compiled from various sources around the web, such as, & The

These are the 10 best personal finance apps:


Mobills does a good job of tracking all your expenses in one easy to read interface, on both mobile and desktop.

Once you import your bank accounts and credit card information, Mobills will pull in the data and present everything to you under one roof.

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You can start by determining a budget and Mobills will notify you of your spending habits to make sure you’re staying on track with your budget each month.

Mobills creates categories so you can see how much you’ve been spending in particular areas, allowing you can to make better-informed decisions on what to cut back on or to just identify your most expensive habits.

It’s pretty visual when it comes to the data presentation side of things and will present your information in easy on the eye interactive charts.

Also, another super handy feature that most people could benefit from, is being able to add due dates and bills, so you can keep track of when your payments are due.

If this sounds like a personal finance app that you’d like to try, then try their free version to get a feel for it, and upgrade to their premium version if it suits your needs.

Clarity Money

Best Personal Finance Apps – Clarity Money

Once you add all your accounts to the app, it will pull in all your information and display it back to you in a pie chart.

The chart will provide you with a lot of useful information, like showing you particular areas where you overspend.

If you’re someone that has a lot of subscriptions, but can’t remember exactly what ones you have, Clarity will help you identify the ones that you no longer use so you can cancel them.

This is already a pretty cool feature in itself, but there’s’ more.

Clarity analyzes your spending patterns and then suggests more recommendations to help improve your financial situation.

The app also allows users to make savings deposits and set up savings goals.

If you’re concerned with how secure your money is, then you’ll be pleased to know that your savings deposits are held at an FDIC-insured bank and insured up to $250,000.

Lastly, to keep things simple, you’re also able to access a free VantageScore credit score from Experian inside the app, so you can see exactly how your personal finances are being measured.

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Every Dollar

Best Personal Finance Apps – every dollar

The next personal finance app on our list is Every Dollar.

This one follows a zero-based budget approach, which means that it gives every single dollar a purpose in the budget, hence the apps name.

Every Dollar allows you to connect all your accounts and keep an eye on your finances in one place, similar to most apps on our list.

You can keep track of your spending, split expenses between multiple budget items, track your current rate of spending, and see how much you’ve got left to spend for the month.

As well as being able to use the app on the go, you can also log in to a desktop version if that’s an easier way for you to manage your finances.

Another little perk of using Every Dollar is that you can connect with a money management expert who can help you with your financial goals.

Personal Capital

Best Personal Apps – Personal Capital

Coming in at number seven on our list of personal finance apps is Personal Capital.

If you’re looking to manage some investments as well as just staying on top of your day to day spending, then Personal Capital might be a good choice for you.

Using this app, you have the ability to manage your investments along with your everyday spending habits.

Although you can track your everyday habits and create a budget in the app, it’s true potential really comes to life by helping you track and optimise your investments.

You’re able to track your portfolio in a number of ways, for example, by asset class, account, or individual security.

Using the built-in intelligence available on the tablet version of the app, you’ll also have access to opportunities for diversification and managing risk, plus the potential to sport any hidden fees you could be paying.

This information gives you a great opportunity to stay on top of all areas of your personal finances.

Lastly, just like Every Dollar, the app allows you to speak with a registered financial advisor who can go through your goals and customize an individual financial and investment plan for you.


Best Personal Finance Apps – Acorn

Acorns is an American financial technology company that started out in 2012 and has since helped over 4 million people save and invest their money.

Essentially, what their service does, is take the spare change from any purchase you’ve made and invest it automatically into different portfolios, made up mainly from ETFs.

Since their inception, Acorns has seen a lot of growth and now offers its’s customers even more options to manage their finances.

For example, you can open up an IRA, participate in active investing and grab yourself one of their cool new debit cards.

Their debit card allows you to spend money as you normally would, but manage all those transactions in your Acorns account.

This also keeps all your spending data under one roof, making it super simple for you to understand where your money is being spent, saved or invested.

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Best Personal Finance Apps – Spendee

If you’re after an app that allows you to open shared accounts with family members or friends or manage shared expenses, then look no further than Spendee.

Just like the other personal finance apps on our list, you start by connecting all your personal accounts and important data.

From there, Spendee will present that information in a really nice UI that makes your spending activities easy to understand.

If you have some cryptocurrency that you’d like to keep an eye on, Spendee will also import that data for you. And, if you’re a bit of a cash spender, then you can also manually add in cash payments.

If you find it hard to stick to a budget, then use Spendee to set up a budget for each individual category and set up notifications to prompt you when you’re approaching the limit.

Also, forgetting to pay bills is no longer a headache thanks to Spendee’s bill tracker functionality. It will ensure you’re aware of when bills are due and payments need to be made.

Finally, if you’re planning a holiday or going to an event where you’re likely going to spend money, you can set up a specific category for event, with a budget included, for the sole purpose of tracking your spending during the event!

Now that’s genius!


Best Personal Finance Apps – Prism

With the goal of eliminating the need to log into multiple financial accounts to get an good idea of your financial situation, Prism was set up to allow its users to view and pay all their bills in one location.

It takes a little bit of time to get set up, but once you’ve added all your bills and payments to the app, Prism will automatically send you reminders of your due dates, and will even pay those bills for you if you wish.

You can view all your financial accounts and transactions in one place, like the previous apps on our list, however, Prism really shines when it comes to bill tracking and payment management.

If you like to be ahead of the game, you can use the app to schedule your bill payments to go out on the same day or in advance if that’s advantageous for you.

Give Prism a try if you want to automate your bills!


Best Personal Finance Apps – Quicken

Being in business for over 30 years and trusted by more than 17 million members worldwide, Quicken has become one of the best personal finance apps on the planet.

However, to use the app you’ll need to part ways with some cash, but don’t let that put you off as they offer a 30-day full money-back guarantee if the product isn’t for you.

The app includes features like payment tracking, budgeting, investment tracking and safely stores all your data using 256-bit encryption.

Quicken has also released a credit card for all its members. Using the card, you can keep track of all your pending transactions, spending habits, purchases, budgets and bills.

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Moreover, you also earn 2x points on recurring bills, dining and groceries, and you get to choose your own rewards!

You Need A Budget (YNAB)

Best Personal Finance Apps – YNAB

There’s no escaping creating a budget with this app.

The first thing YNAB will ask you to do is create a budget goal, like a holiday or major expense.

Next, you’ll link your accounts and YNAB will import all your transactions, giving you the option to assign each of them a specific category.

Your account balance will also be brought into the debt manager to give you an accurate idea of where you stand.

Next, you can check the detailed reports to see how your spending is going throughout the month and look out for any potential issues.

By using their app, YNAB claims the average new user saves around $600 in the first two months and roughly $6,000 a year.

It sounds like a pretty good service overall, however, after their initial trial period of 34 days, you’ll be required to pay a monthly subscription of $6.99, which is billed annually at $83.99.

So, bear that mind before you import all your data!


Best Personal Finance Apps – Mint

Mint is probably the most well known personal finance app in the market place.

Created by Intuit, Mint has a number of features that make understanding your financial life much easier.

For example, once you connect your personal accounts to the app, it’ll use that information to suggest the best budget options for you, categorising them into things like “Food & Dining”, “Entertainment,” and “Lifestyle”.

You can then use that data to figure out areas to cut back on and where you’re spending the most money.

More recently, Mint introduced access to your credit score within the app, which allows you to see a breakdown of some of the factors contributing to your overall score, and ways to improve those factors.

They’ve also introduced “MintInsights”, which uses your data to calculate individual personal recommendations, ranging from consolidating debt and creating budgets, to ideas on growing your investments.

If investments are something you want to keep an eye on, then Mint also has you covered with that, as you can manage them within the app as well.

Mint is completely free to use. It makes money by suggesting offers and deals for credit cards and loans to its users.

Download it and give it a try!


We hope you enjoyed our list of the 10 best personal finance apps.

Hopefully, one of these apps will help you manage your personal finances easily and efficiently.

Additional Reading