Android App Development Kotlin Full Tutorial videos is one of the most popular skills today. Build your own app – Imagine an app on Play Store under your name. There is nothing more exciting than that! Complete your training by taking the final exam.

Android App Development TOPICS

Introduction to Android- 3 Topics


  • Introduction to the World of Android
  • Learning about Android Apps
  • Environment and Tools used to Develop Android Apps
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World of Kotlin- 7 Topics


  • Welcome to Kotlin
  • Variables and Operators
  • Strings, Functions and Arrays
  • Conditionals, Loops and Lists
  • Errors and Exceptions
  • Classes in Kotlin
  • Inheritance and Interfaces

Android Kick-Off- 8 Topics


  • Installation and Setup of Android Studio
  • Activity and its Lifecycle
  • Exploring Linear Layouts
  • Exploring Relative Layouts
  • Scrolling with Scroll view
  • Adding Click Listeners
  • Sharing Data between Activities
  • Using Shared Preferences

Higher Order Functionalities-11 Topics


  • Working with Navigation View
  • Understanding Fragments
  • Recycler with Data
  • Connecting to the Internet
  • Requests and Threads
  • Fetching Data using GET Request
  • Fetching Data using POST Request
  • Databases Everywhere
  • ROOM: Make Room for it
  • Favorites in a New Place
  • Stepping into the Android Market

The Final Project – 5 Topics


  • What is the Final Project?
  • Initiating Development
  • Testing and Uploading
  • Future Aspects
  • Final Project

Android App Development Kotlin Full Tutorial Buy Now

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